
Backend controllers and Integration service

For a better understanding of each back-end component please have a look at the Readme files on the repos.
Those can be easily accessed through those links

Testing Back-end API - Hotel Controller

  1. After starting the back-end controller. (Instructions can be found here)
  2. Open your favourite browser and go to http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/

Testing Back-end API - Hotel Integration Service

  1. After starting the back-end controller. (Instructions can be found here)
  2. Open your favourite browser and go to http://localhost:8091/swagger-ui/

Testing Back-end API - Company Controller

  1. After starting the back-end controller. (Instructions can be found here)
  2. Open your favourite browser and go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/

Hyperledger Indy & Aries Docs

For a detailed documentation please refer to Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. In order to run an End 2 End testing of the app you need to have configured an local/remote Indy Server App.